Go For Good Travel Mission

Go for Good Travel is a “social impact” business concept created by Janet Foerster, founder and President of InnerCHANGE WORKS (ICW) and InnerCHANGE  associates international, llc (iCHai), that offers a new and meaningful travel experience to world travelers who care about having an impact on social and environmental issues.  Trips will be offered to Tanzania and Nicaragua, and will focus primarily on environmental sustainability issues and intercultural understanding. 

The mission of Go for Good Travel is to bring awareness to the climate-related issues on the environment and to effect positive change and sustainable solutions for individuals and families in these two countries. 



Program Focuses

Go For Good Travel contributes to the following focuses:

  • Environment

    • Bring awareness to climate-related issues of the environment

    • Tour breathtaking natural scenery and wildlife


  • Sustainability

    • Effect positive change and sustainable solutions for individuals and families

    • Tour bio-sustainable businesses and become immersed in the day-to-day life of this work


  • Community

    • Hands-on involvement with existing projects and cultural programs

    • Strive for a cooperative approach to community development with a focus on economically viable and socially beneficial practices


  • Relationship building

    • Bring awareness to our travelers with intercultural learning experiences

    • Engage local and international stakeholders from private and public sectors



Meet Go For Good Travel's Founder

Janet Foerster is a cross-cultural professional with over 30 years experience in education, training, project management, and community development.  Through her cross-cultural management and training company, she has served international, government, corporate, and academic clients in ten countries, and has 13 years experience working in community development in Nicaragua through her non-profit organization.  A graduate of the University of Texas with an M.Ed. from Vanderbilt University, she has taught graduate courses in intercultural communication in both Europe and the U.S.


Visit Time In Media Productions  to view photographs and video from Go For Good Travel's media consultant, Gregory Ross.