Travel Destinations

Go for Good Travel destinations & partners

  • Nicaragua Trip
    • Bio-sustainable coffee farm, Selva Negra
    • University of the Americas (UAM) for projects and programming
  • Tanzania trip
    • Mama Shoo’s Cultural Tours
    • Amani Children’s Home in Moshi, Tanzania at the base of Mt. Kilimanjaro



The Target Traveler

The target traveler is a person who is looking for something off the frequently traveled pathways where they can experience a new perspective on the world and make a lasting contribution by getting involved with existing projects and provide hands-on service within existing projects in the country. 

The travel program will include follow-up sessions and social network groups to encourage travelers to stay in touch with each other and those they met and worked with on the trip, and to bring awareness and a deeper understanding of the issues they experienced and observed while in the destination country. 

